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Messages we get on forums

Newest entries will be at the top in yellow. These messages really prove how retarded Americans are!!


Well, its simple... the reason why it sounds like im fighting both sides of this argument is because i am Pro-america, Anti-United states government. Its so simple... They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people he doesnt exist... Well, america's greatest trick was to convince the world that we as a whole are incompetant and ignorant... Yet, these so called "handicaps" hadnt stopped the u.s. from stomping out entire nations. The american government wants people to hate them... they want people to crash more planes into buildings because in the end, it only gives them a good motive for retaliation. That is what i am saying... Too many people think hating america will solve anything... That burning flags and creating rallys to "fight the power" will help them... this only allows them to target you as a legitimate military target. and i doubt any of you flag burning psuedo-anarchists could beat the U.S. military. Enough said.

And i hate mindless drones so deeply affected by their own iniquity that they can not see beyond frivolous nationalism and useless titles such as "american". You're weak of will and mind if you are incapable of forming your own opinions and subsequently resort to intangible borders and iconic national flags to be the deciding factor in your hatreds. You say you hate americans, chances are, you'll rationalise such feelings by saying "all americans are ignorant"... Choosing a stereotype based on the actions of a few is foolish. If you desire to have others place faith and trust in the wisdom of your words, you first must possess such wisdom. "Learning is a good thing, but more often it leads to mistakes. it is like the admonition of the priest konan. it is worthwhile just looking at the deeds of accomplished persons for the purpose of knowing our own insufficiencies. but often, this does not happen. for the most part, we admire our own opinions and become fond of arguing." You have become fond of arguing... by creating such a website you intend neither to educate, nor gain understanding. and in doing so... you have proven yourself to be an idiot.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. A Christian, well moraled leader who doesn't sit back and wait to be attacked. His leadership skills during all of this have been incredible, and I admire him greatly. You are a very misguided individual, as are many in this world, and it's extremely depressing.


Some people are just ASSHOLES! Thank GOD for the USA.

well, funny i think, but that is sad to see americans aren't the only people taking this profile... i'm french and ihad thinking my president Chirac is a real Dub... (and most of people voted for him) but Bush won him in a way i couldn't expect!!!

I AM HALF RETARDED AND HALF SMART It is funny how such retarded people can be so technologically you are using their resources so i guess you are depending on these retards... that was so racist!!!! Germans get wasted drinking (not to mention russians and easter EU) and french never take a shower... dont worry, we have stereotypes like that too here in US

Ya know Yamkstk whenever I would glance at your name here on the bbs it always reminded me of wanker but now I realize it is what you do.......YANK your STicK

Now instead of putting Americans down, which we know we are good people,try spending some time on how to pop your head out of your ass

oi pisshead,
i dont care wot fuckin country ur from, u mayb british, u may b more british than me for all i no, but i dont give a flying fuk as to wot u think bout america. its alrite having views on other countries and shit, but u dont go main sites and writin shit bout them, keep ur own fucked up thoughts to ur self. nd i think u have jus been dumped by some yank (guy probably, ur obviously gay) so jus piss off and go sit in a celler drinking ur own cum to stay alive.

this dude is mad cause the US be running shit.
hes mad cause we got a better way of life. hes mad cause we are the most superior country in our Military, Bombs, Weapons, and Technology....

hes mad cause because his stinkin foriegn ass cant be a citizen...

you can stay were ever the fuck your from you stinkin peice of feces...


you stupid bloody wanker you're an ignorant mother fucker by saying that all americans are retarded. come to jersey and i'll show you how we take care of people like you.

some stupid people abuse of the freedom of speech...
you're just a racist and yea you should be banned !
you didn't noticed that nobody here agrees with you ?
get the fuck outta here if you still have a lil bit of intelligence

I think you should be banned for your racist, discriminatory posts. Actually, I banned you. Too bad it isn't for all of the Sony Forums. We do have complete Freedom of Speech. Which guarantees us the right to voice our opinions and views without prosecution. That does not mean you can go onto a privately owned forum and not follow their guidelines.

Fuck ya!
Ya know if ya think so it's only your opinion,so keep it,cuz others dun need it!

Hows about an example you limey piece of shit. By the way, your site is a lot like saying all Brits are crooked, yellow toothed, inbred pricks that live off of kidney pie and whatever other sterotypes are out there. While sterotypes are fun, making a whole site about them and buying into the foreign propoganda of corrupt, fat, rich, arrogant americans is fucking idiotic.

For instance, I am not fat or rich. I have not been corrupted because there is no one here able to corrupt me or anyone else for that matter. If they only tell us one-sided stories about national and world events, then why is everyone and their mother criticized for the smallest things they do?

Give me examples of our corruption and I shall shoot them down like I was a colonial popping a musket in a red coats chest. Bring specific examples, not general misinformed, envious ideas.

alrite, listen up u dogbreathed shit eating monkey fucking arse licking son of bitches cock, dont u go dissin my mates, hes rite at least he has a fuckin clue bout wot hes sayin, ur jus a wanka who thinks dissing america is cool, i bet ur really an opressed child who got bullied coz u had a small penis, jus give it up, get a life and leave us alone, u dont harm us, u only make us hate u even more, so jus fuck off and try and grow ur penis u ignorant piss drinking, shit filled, dick headed elephant.

Okay BIGOT, you are the one not thinking with your brain! Don't blame AMERICANS for their government - we may have a say in our government, but it's not our fault what the LEADERS of the government choose and don't choose to do. It may be because the people vote it in, but it's not like we can say, "Okay, US population, what's your opinion about this?" Yes, we (as in America) make mistakes, but what country doesn't? And yes, we may have a dumbass for a president at the moment (Sorry people that are pro-Bush!) but he probably only got into office because of the miscount in Florida! If you really want to be a prejudice asshole, then go ahead, do whatever you want. People like you are the ones that fuck up our planet, that ruin everyone's happiness and will eventually end life as it is because of your idiotic opinions. It's quite sad... I hope you learn quickly that your one sided views are mainly wrong.
Or, you could reword your opinion - say you hate American government, not Americans. 2.8 billion people live on United States territory; you can't hate an entire nation because of their government, that most of the time every day people like myself can not change. It's unjust to say things like that!
You hate Americans because we are fat? Um, excuse me? That is such a stupid thing to hate someone for! "Oh sorry, America, I don't like you because most of your people are fat." I mean, yeah there are overweight people, but it's not like only Americans are overweight. It's not like the US has millions of fat people, while other countries in the world are perfectly fit and healthy. (What, would you rather have a starving child that weighs only 60 pounds, or a[same aged] child weigh 120? I think I'd rather be 'fat' than starving to death.) Don't blame the US because we have a better economy than some other places.
God, you're such a dumbass. Also, take a glance at a World Map sweetheart. Russia's a bit bigger than the US.
Before you come to a mainly pro-American website, you may want to go to a couple of history classes. You have your facts TOTALLY wrong - everything that your bigotted teachers taught you is not completely true, asshole. It's funny for me, a sixteen year old, to know and think more about the world than someone like you does!!

the americans i have met i have disliked greatly but i would not never judge a whole nation on the few of them i have met, or on their government, if i were to do that then yeah i'd have to hate americans because you're run by a bush a dick and a colon

Yep and that is exactly what Americans do they take what is said very very personaly.......I visited the other site and i thought it was fuckin hilarous ha ha ha ha ha ha.

And I think that after years of the Imperialistic government that has been put in place in America over and over and over has conditioned most Americans into think that if you oppose the Government you oppose the people.

And it has also conditioned Americans into think that they are the supreme rulers of the world militaraly and economicaly......

ha ha ha ha I can't wait for the day when the aussie dollar is equal and or above the U.S much is it now 64c U.S Oooooooo slowly climbling America watch out we aussie's aren't all smiles and sunshine. ha ha ha ha ha ha

Oh I think I should warn any Americans that I was joking just in case they take it seriously eh?

Kiss my big white ass! We only have to deal with a potential asshole for 4 or8yrs. If our people sqwak enough, we get our way, the peoples way. That's democracy. You're people are still paying out the butthole for the biggest figure heads on this planet... your monarchy! What do they really provide for your country other than a "center piece on the dining room table"?

I'm an American, I'm pretty thin from the waste up and good and meaty from the waste down. A fine meal for any cannibal. I don't think I'd be any different if I were from Toronto or Vienna or Helsinki. I just wouldn't have a New York accent.

I find all this "fat" talk insulting. Everybody is different, no matter where they're from. It's called human differentiation, folks. I know overweight Germans and Dutch people and underweight Americans.

The constant fat insults aren't particularly nice. You don't cease to be a human being once the needle on the scale passes a certain point.

God Bless America and
God Bless My Big, Fat, American Ass

mr yank hater, y the hate? what have they ever done to you? you speak english, i guess ur from a relatively well educated background (well, from the ignorance u show in ur posts this is in doubt), and yet u, 4 sum reason, find it in ur heart 2 hate another race of men jst cuz sum newspapers say u shd. how can u say theyve been brainwashed, wen its quite blatantly been u? and im english, weve got every rite 2 b annoyed at america, and yet we rnt, becuz, deep down, we all no tht if it wasnt for them, we wdnt hav mc donalds, or nike, which makes evryfing allrite.

hey cunt face,
wots ur problem, alrite the americans may not be perfect, infact they rnt. the only thing rong with americans is that they r fat (well most of em r). if ur gonna call people terrorists then ur an idiot. i mean one guy at my school blamed my mate for september 11th, i mean come on how fucked up do u have to be to want to do something like that, btw his name is umbo and hes a cunt. so if u wanna be like him then go ahead and call americans terrorists. and btw im english. and u dare call us terrorists then ill come round ur house crucify u.

As if somehow saying "Americans are retarded" and making a whole web site (poorly done with rash judgments and dreadful spelling and a photo of a woman with a generous bum to illustrate that all Americans have big bums) is not also "arrogant and ignorant." And that's what I find so funny about this fellow. HE'S THE RETARD.

Sign me.
Just another retarded American
Now whar did I put my gun and the remote?

Ah, I see your ways. SO - you blame an ENTIRE country because of its media? Because of its government? That's really funny of you to say, since the US took the idea of the government from A DIFFERENT COUNTRY! (Greece, I think? Not sure.)
"er..please stop being arogant." UM, HELLO? Are you completely retarded!?!?! YOU ARE THE ONE BEING ARROGANT (two r's there, sweetie.) How are you to say that the WHOLE WORLD hates America? If so, then why do we have so many allies? Why are we one of the largest populated countries in the world? Huh, bucko? Can you answer that you lame fucker. Please, just go shoot yourself in the foot. Or better yet, go find a stick and shove it up your ass. Maybe then something logical will be loosened in your brain. Ah, hypocrits and stereotypical people like you crack me up! Why don't you go to a website that actually AGREES with your one sided opinions? You'll find way more arguments to make about 'how America is so retarded.'

Hey yanksta, why don't you go yank your yanksta you wank yanker! Is somebody upset because their country will never be even 1/10th as good as the U.S.? By the way, your not allowed to like Fuel anymore or post on their website because they are definitely an american band! Your loss! Go get a life now!

Not all british hate you so dont hate all of us. Im british and i have nothing against the american people. My personal opinion is that your government (esp. the president) is dangerous, much like saddam hussein. But you cant help that. Just to make it clear, i dont much like our government either.

Though, for your information, i was pro-war on iraq, because of the liberation of the people. Anyone that says anything about weapons of mass distruction can suck my arse. Iraq might have them, america HAS them. That scares me.

I also think this anti-american website is a bunch of shit.

But as you seem intent on bringing the military and wars into this, id like to say that yours are poorly trained rambo-wanabies. Just because you have a larger army doesnt make it more effective.

Id also like to bring up the mistakes made by american military in:
1. Vietnam (nuff said)
2. Iraq (Both major conflicts: withdrawing too early, blue-on-blue fire etc; and the Iraq/Iran conflict in which America (ALLIES WITH IRAQ) sold equipment to Iran)
3. The atomic/hydrogen bomb. (hiroshima. how many civilians did that mow down?)
4. Afghanistan (civilians again.. oh, and wheres Osama?)

Your army/government made mistakes. So did we. We all do. I suggest you stop being big headed and acting brainwashed by lousy government propeganda (which is confused with patriotism if youre a victim). From an outside perspective, your government isnt that great. Neither are we.

If youre going to say how good your country is compared with others, i suggest you credit it with something youre good at, which excludes military, government, and war.

Deal with the fact that the British Empire no longer exists, and you limeys don't run thw world anymore... the YANKS do!

If the rest of the world wasn't so damn stupid, we wouldn't have to run the world. But why should we sit by and allow pieces of shit like Saddam to brutalize his people? If we have to power to put right with what once was wrong then why shouldn't we do it? Did yall like my little Quatum Leap quote? But as I so eloquently put it on your stupid little board, come to my house. I'll meet you at my mothers house and if you can get by her, then I'll have a go at you. But trust me dude, my mom or mum for your limey ass, will need no help. She'll shoot you just for not being Southern. So bollocks to you or some shit.

To whoever wrote the message that started all of this I hope that you and your entire family die in a horrible accident and burn in hell. How dare you live in this country which by the way has more freedom than any other and still have the balls to talk shit. If I were in front of you right now I would kill you myself. So you and your family can pack your shit and get the hell out of the United States.

Shut the fuck off!! and stop talking shit!!! ure the on eand only retard here

yankstk both your sites are fucking hilarious :P Haha I hate it when people can't understand jokes . even if you think they are funny or not.. Great Site :)

i quite like americans even tho dubya is a wankstain. it annoys me the way they can't swear properly tho. they tend to say fock instead of fuck and they pronounce the g at the the end of fucking and then it jst sounds stpd. and they tend to tlk thru their holes about shit like northern ireland. but they're lovable all the same and i probly shouldn't insult them cos i'm an american citizen

yesterday in my german speakin test practice i was supposed to say that americans are friendly but i said good lookin instead (dont ask me how lol) and the teacher started laughin so i was like wtf? n she said "americans? good looking? haha yeah right!"

Im sorry if this guy is Canadian. Im Canadian and I don't hate Americans, ok maybe a few. Anyway if this guy is Canadian you can't assume all the rest of us are just like him. Please don't hate the rest of us. Oh and for the guy who went on the big mountie rant, Im sure you were just joking, BUT, if you were serious thats pretty ignorant. I've lived here my whole life, born and raised, and I've never seen a guy in red jacket with a big hat on a horse patrolling the streets. In fact Im almost positive....hang on a sec if I can remember......yes! The last like, oh god lets see, ummm 5 times I've been pulled over, and this may surprise you, but it was just a regular cop in a regular blue cop uniform in a regular cop car. Wow, imagine that.

So this is a canadien saying americans suck. Canada might be the biggest piece of shit that there ever was. When the shit hits the fan and the whole world is at war, we can always rely on the mighty mighty canadien army. all 200 of them eh. Actually, it might not be bad to live in canada. I don't know about yalls cars, but I know I can outrun a bright red fucker on a horse screaming "stop eh. thats against the law you hoser. I am the royal mounted police eh. hi oh silver away eh oh oh eh." Royal mounted you even have a queen? I think not.

You say "arse", we say "ass". We have white teeth, you have yellow teeth(if any). Its called a toothbrush, have your country look into them. They are cool for when you wana KEEP YOUR TEETH. No wonder British chicks are on American guys jocks. Are your teeth cold? Then why are they wearing that yellow coat? You can have your word "arse" and your higher education and we'll keep our beautiful white teeth, thank you.

Amusing! Hehehehehe! NOW FUCK OFF!

your retarded you piece of shit

well i love americans, so you can kiss my bit fat white australian arse :P

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if after all these crap that you are babbling about 'my friend' other peopel might consider to make a site about I HATE BRITISH PEOPLE OR ATTACK BRITISH PEOPLE because they FUCKING SUPPORTED THE USA! At least their goverment! Hahhh you should think of it twice what you say aloud because you may appear as a total idiot! Which has happened by the way!

Go back to Kansas, Toto!

LUV ZsaZsa the yank!

Those comments you have make me ashamed to be british..... my partner is american... and i really dont see why u attack them... after all its partly our government as well... and the idea of attacking america is STUPID... im going over there soon... and there are so many other brits over u wouldnt mind more lives been lost... ?

OH God just look at yourself! Your such a lame! You get agressive just cuz I don't agree with you! I feel pity for you!

" Learn to respect other people's opinions." I'll learn to respect your opinion, if you will learn to respect mine! Got it jerk?

You ask who have you killed! Well no one ...yet with your own hands! Just think of the fact how many twisted-minded sack of bones are slithering around the world who might consider your suggestion and are going to murder people! I bet you didn't think of it! You suggest people to attack INNOCENT PEOPLE AS WELL! You're not better than Osama Bin Laden or Sadam Hussein! Congratz for your opinion!

Zsazsa the spasticated yank

Chris has right!

But it doesn't mean that you 'SHOULD ATTACK AMERICA' as that person wrote on his/her site! I think that's disgusting! And Im not un-educated, Im just someone who wants peace! And you cant achieve peace through force and agression! And I think you're the un-educated if you think only America have such kind of people who wants war!!!!

If you guys saw the abuse artists like Sheryl Crow,Shakira,Natalie Maines(Dixie Chicks) and other celebrities got for daring to state their opposition to the war,and stand by it(Madonna???),from so called American citizens,it is easy to see how the rest of the world sees Americans in that way: Arrogant,warmongering,materialistic and self interest.There are millions of American ppl who are nothing like this,though,its a shame *patriotic* Americans and the American govt cause these views to be aired.Chris

rock on!!!! down with america fight the power

Yeah I'm with you on this one Aia 01... Why don't you just go to hell yankstk ?!
What are you doing here if ALL Americans suck ?


Did you know that in 20 years the majority of the population in the states will be Hispanic?

It's funny how we are the worst people ever. We are all fat...yet somehow we seem to dominate almost every sport there is except fussball which belongs to Brazil...wait, they are americans too, south americans...hmmm...We do have a lot of fat people. yes, we do,..but if this place is so bad why does everyone immigrate here? The majority of the people from the United States are from Europe, so it all comes back to there. So, England, France, Spain, man all of the Euopean countries are sources of the fat people. See if you look at it from a certain point of view it is England's fault (as well as other Europen countries) that Americans are fat. How? Is the question you are going to ask. I will tell you how. Okay, before any of the Euopean countries started to immigrate; all of the americans were all fit and happy sacrificing people and running around eating food from nature; also, chasing down deer and other mobile meals. So, it was the Euopeans who decided to steal everything from the Native americans build huge cities and make everyone unhappy and eat alot. WOW! Isn't propaganda fun :)

does anyone remember the time long, long ago where Britain owned EVERYONE? huh? without them, no one knows where we'd be now... or at least for us canadians

damnit, in the terrorist section they completely left out the iran contra scandal!

your retarded you piece of shit

In all reality it is yourself that you really hate and you look down on others as your way of avoiding the truth. One day you will come to know that your ignorance is more in control of your life than what you pretend to be.

hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahlmao ur the funniest mofo. . . no. .and wat country do u live in?

another great item from us stupid americans is a learning tool called "hooked on phonics"...

“This is also the reason why the ones who actually can read and write can't spell properly.”


fuck off

if your not american then your a dick, but if you're american, then good on you

kinda off topic but...

as boysetsfire say "To protest your beliefs in the hope that it will one day bring about positive change is the most patriotic act we can do as a race and as a people. Protest is Patriotism"

If you hate Americans, then you must hate yourself since you live in America. So if you hate Americans so much, then get the fuck out of the country. And I'm not even going to waste my time to visit your stupid website.

What's retarded is that someone would take their time to make such a lame website. But thanks for the laugh. The picture of the woman with the big butt to prove that all Americans are fat was particularly funny.

the whole WORLD is RETARDED!!!!!!!

bit harsh aint ya, and americans aint fuckin retarded,thank you very much i have family who are americans..and ya sites shit bye the way...

and its the bin laden, crew who are the terrioist's

'Yankstk', if shit grew on trees you'ld be hanging off a branch!!!! By-the-way did you enjoy your MacDonalds for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Still on welfare? Jeolousy really isn't healthy for you Darl, you should really seek professional help for that hate.... Maybe, if you lucky, the taxpayer can pay for that as well!!!!! Just offering some logical advice to you Sweetheart. You seem to lack a great deal of intelligence....let me geuss you're a Professional Student........(Arts or Social Sciences maybe?)

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.............................................That is funny "i also like to blow holes in the heads of rednecks" But on a serious note I hate the american government rather than the people..............I must admit though Americans arn't really easy going like australians are.............they seem to always be pissed off about somthing........what is with that?

well i hate you, you spineless bastard.

Well I would visit your site, but hey, I'm a retarded American and I can't figure out how to get there!

That kind of posts bring me back wondering if such people realize what they are doing! They call other people terrorists, when they are the one to insulting people! Ignorant!

You want reply? YOu get it: I don't hate american! You aren't better than the people who you call terrorists!

That`s not a nice thig of u to say about the American people, coz the "normal" civilliance in America don`t all agree with the war against Iraq...Most of them are against as a matter of fact!

I hate you and your retarded. Now kindly go and killyourself.

are you arab by any chance? they seem to hate the americans! hate jews also!
lol @ ian!
btw if you hate americans so much y does your profile say your from the US? dumbass!


I bet u don't know any americans! You'll find stupid people in all countries ... if u think that all americans are fat talk show watching idiots youre really wrong! U have to learn a lot in your life. Per example > sometimes it's better to think before writing or talking!

Quiet Wanker! I would love to say i hate the english but I don't I just hate you! I say we take a squirrel throw it to yankstk then shoot it!

but one: you're basing all that information on sterotypes. not everyone is like that. you taking everything everyone thinks americans are. we are not all like that, it's sterotypes. who's the "dumb" ones now? god, think about who americans are before you open your mouth.
two: unless you live here, don't say shit. as simple as that. you can't say a certain food is extremely gross, when you have never had it. don't judge what your small mind can't comprehend.
three: dyslexia is when people's minds don't process words. some people have said it's when you read backwards, but i don't think so. not whatever the hell you said.
four: americans could come back saying the SAME exact thing about other countries (i don't know where you live). just because you dislike americans and america, does not mean where ever you live is perfect. there's probably the same amount of things wrong with every place in the world, that someone could come up with.
five: if you recall, americans were the not the terrorists. i'm not going to go into it, but no, we were not the terrorists. i agree that in the a way they're just as bad, but the last time i checked, we were not the ones crashing planes into buildings (i have nothing against anyone of any ethnic group, i'm just using that time as an example).
i'm just saying what i think, as you did. so i guess i can't change your mind, but maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge next time.

Your site is silly and very funny.
*hugs* from an American.

Oh how funny - yeah here in NY we are all just sitting back on our rocking chairs with our shotguns spitting tobacco right on 5th ave. If you hate Americans you will have to get in line - we are equal opportunity haters. Hell, many of us don't even like ourselves. I personally like the British- at least they sound nice when the insult you.

You British Fucks

americans are fat because we have food, UNLIKE YOUR SHITTY COUNTRIES

kbnin...i am not fatt either, but I thought that would satisfy the creator of this threads imagination...

leave the Brits alone..lets pick off some squirrels, they eat my lawn furniture..and can you just picture the explosion of guts after shooting that barrel ...

i hate americans too dammit... all us americans suck! and we are terrorists! na na na... what you americans think now? blah blah blah

Well...the british have bad oral hygene! Take that...P.S. I'm not fat, but one of my favorite hobbies is sitting on my porch with my shotgun, waiting for bloody english wankers to come strolling along...and picken them off...YeeeeeeeHaaawwww!!! Feel free to correct my spelling errors, being I'm a dumb american and all

OH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!You damn lame ass fool!!WTF? *I HATE AMERICANS*...Get a life!!Damn sorry ass ...I HATE you just as much....*wahhhh,wahhhh,LA DIVINA runs and cries cause she is hated:(You made me cry!!!!!You bad bad LAME-O...LMFAO..HAHAHAHA..yea right! WHATEVER!!I dont give a rats ass bout you ...YOU HATE AMERICANS?I guess you don't like the DOLLAR either??

oh come on, americans are people like anyone else
some a lot influenced by they government..... and some really smart

so it´s stupid to hate them....

but their Government's foreign police is another case

Bra-f*cking-vo you moron. Lets perpetuate the hate!

Moreover, lets generalize an entire country of individuals and make the few deviants feel like it isn't even worth it anymore.

You certainly are SOLVING problems instead of creating more ... yup.

It's reactions and thought-modes like THIS that take healthy steps towards dooming the human race.

i Hate Every One so whats you're fucking point!!???

Am I the only one who thinks this person is only trying to get a few laughs? I don't think he/she is being serious at all. I thought it was kind of funny, actually.

I live in the south and I laugh at the stereotype placed on us all the time. I can even do a REALLY good southern accent.

*rolls eyes* oh gawd...

ignorant fuck.

hmmmm...those are some great white names there...Bill,and Mary....You might want to add Ynez,Maria,Jose,and Lupe to that list,among others. My family isn't all white. Only a few.

>Americans all wear the same clothes. Which are a >checkered shirt

umm...I think you mean Canadians on that one. I can say that, I'm Canadian. And the correct term is plaid

Not my ancestors!
And you shouldn't have banned him! you communist. just because it isn't your opinion waxo. Waxo is a communist.

It's not baked bean stanes, it's Starbucks stains!! I can probably get away with wearing them for a few more days, too.

Yeah...americans suck if you're close minded enough to look only at the stereotypical american. You know, there ARE people who take care of themselves, and who do something with their can't judge a whole nation on a few people you've seen on TV. It's just not fair. It's like saying the English are all pompous and have bad teeth, and all walk around talking like Austin Powers. Ignorance people. Ignorance leads to hate, which leads to WAR!! one can get it straight. *steps off soapbox*

i think its just a retard...for that assumption i can even neglect his nationality....

This person, I think, is just jealous our ancestors had the guts to leave GB (and its cheese-eating-surrender-monkey neighbors) and they're still stuck there with an accent.

Assuming this person is English.

If not, they're just jealous that we're the post powerful nation on earth right now, and they don't have the guts to leave GB. Oh yeah, wherever they're from.

When I saw this I thought of that I'm Afraid of Americans song and now it's stuck in my head.

Wow...well that just convinced me. It was so well written. They deserve a pullizter.
Um.....Everyone sucks by the way. It's more than Americans that suck, we are just the most corrupt!!
Get it right!!!

damn why did i stop hacking....*sigh*

And far more than 100,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I'm not fat! My metabolism makes me poop a lot! =)

someone could report this site
to the us govt
and this person
would have a VERY bad day

I'm an American and I love you and want to give you all my tax money!!

yes... well we allow u to express that and dont kill u for it... although... we wanted to... we probly could quite easily... we may not be perfect but we are better than anyone else... i dont mean that as if our ppl are better either... becuz all ppl are created equal... i mean that our government is better than anyother...

Shutup you ignorant fuck.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!.....You're so pathetic


LOL I am sorry but don't hate all americans because I got stuck in your Butt it isn't all there fault. Oh and I wouldn't mind cracking your skull in Half I kind of enjoy doing that :)

I dont like Americans much.
But your just a twat.

fuckin racist bastard

why would I go on your site? You probably have viruses on it.
So let me guess....your an attention craving, non-bathing, teeth rotting, mannerless, foreigner (not saying that all are that way, ofcourse) Well that's just fine....stay where you are at. We don't want ya.
Thank you, drive through.

One thing, go to hell!!!

stfu u racist cunt
yeah..this forum is "rockin"
if rockin=talking completely racist utter bullshit
get a fucking life..or better..just end ur own and do us all a favour
kthx :(

